How to Make Your Home Energy Efficient this Spring

Sherman Oaks PlumberDuring the spring, it pays to start thinking of ways to reduce energy consumption around the house. Many people are surprised to learn how making some minor changes will result in slashing the energy used and save a lot of money. Here are three tips that will help make your home more energy efficient this spring.

Check the Insulation

Like many other aspects of the home, the insulation is not designed to last forever. Check the condition of the insulation in the attic and see if it still in good shape.

If the product is damaged due to pests or is beginning to break down, invest in some new insulation before things get hot outside. The right product will reduce the amount of energy needed to control the temperature inside the home.

Fill in the Gaps

As a house settles, expect tiny cracks to appear. This is especially true around the exterior door frames and each of the windows. While those tiny gaps may not seem like a big deal, they allow plenty of the air from outside to filter into the home. That makes it all the more difficult to control the temperature and humidity level inside.

Have all those tiny gaps sealed. A professional can take care of the issue with ease. Once the job is done, you’ll notice that the air conditioner is cycling on less often, which means less energy is being consumed to keep the temperature inside at a comfortable level.

Upgrade the Thermostat

Sherman Oaks Energy-EfficiencyIf your current heating and cooling system does not include a programmable thermostat, look into having one installed.

You can program the system so that it switches to a higher temperature setting while everyone is out for the day. About a half-hour before the first person returns home, the thermostat will reset to a lower temperature.

This allows you to save money on cooling costs while also making sure the temperature is just right when you walk in the door after work.

One of the best ways to identify other ideas for reducing energy consumption is to have a professional come out and do a complete home inspection.

Someone who is in the business of making sure homes are energy efficient will be able to point out a number of ways to save money.

Best of all, that professional can take care of implementing those strategies the minute that the homeowner authorizes the work.

Interested in going green? Call Plumbing Brothers & Rooter at (855) 375-5700 to make your Sherman Oaks home more energy efficient today.