Your Reliable Pasadena Plumber

Do you suspect your pipes are leaking? Have the best plumbers in Pasadena treat your home with honesty and excellence. Call for an immediate appointment at (855) 375-5700. Click here to access our online discounts and specials.

Pasenda Plumbing Services in Sherman Oaks,CA

At one point or another, a homeowner will face complications with their plumbing. Sometimes, even the most consistent maintenance routine can not avoid the inevitable trouble. When you’re faced with plumbing difficulty, trust Plumbing Brothers & Rooter. We can arrive to your home in 60 minutes or less and are available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Rest assured that we believe in providing our customers with quality workmanship at affordable rates. Count on us to become your reliable Pasadena plumber.

Read our reviews and see why your Pasadena neighbors are pleased with our services.

We also…

● Provide free estimates with every call.

● Are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

● Maintain same day services in or under 60 minutes.

● Guarantee 100% satisfaction with services.

What are the benefits of water leak detection services?

One of the first benefits of our water leak detection services is that we can either confirm or eliminate whether a home has any leakage. Some homeowners become very concerned about the possibility of a leak. Our equipment can enable us to determine if there is a leak and where the leak is.

Another benefit is that we repair the leak. There can be times where we need to replace a pipe. There are other times where this is not necessary. We can address the problem and take care of it completely. A leak can potentially cause water damage that can be quite expensive. Our services allow us to eliminate the water problem quickly.

A final benefit to our services is that we can provide an estimate as to the cost of our services. This enables our customers to have a good idea as to the price of the repair.

What are signs you need professional drain cleaning?

A first sign that our professional services are required is when sewer water begins to back up into drains when a unit like a washing machine is in use. This demonstrates that the water is not going through the pipes properly.

A second sign is when it has been a number of years since pipes have been cleaned. Tree roots and debris can build up in pipes. Although these things are not seen, clogged pipes indicate their presence. A third sign is drains that do not function properly. People expect water to run down drains. It is a big pain when a clog or block prevents this from occurring. A drain that is not working indicates that our services are required.

What are signs you need to repair or replace your water heater?

Consider the condition of the water heater. Perhaps it has been running efficiently for a number of years and now requires a replacement part every few years. A unit that runs well does not need to be replaced very quickly because it runs as it should. On the other hand, a unit that continues to require frequent visits and plenty of repairs is a strong indicator that a new water heater needs to be considered.

Another sign to consider is the age of the water heater. Although some units outlast warranties and life expectancies, it does not mean that they will last forever. We are available to give a thorough inspection on a water heater to give our clients a better idea of when it is time to purchase a new one.

Full-Service Plumbing Solutions

Drain cleaning


Burst pipe repair

Sewer line repair

Bathroom remodeling

Commercial plumbing

Clogged toilet repair

Backflow testing & certification

Tankless water heater installation

Water heater repair and installation

Residents of Pasadena that are experiencing plumbing trouble are welcome to call us at (855) 375-5700. We are dependable and solve plumbing problems quickly and efficiently.